Engraved Selenite Metatron
Metatron disc to place in selenite to recharge stones or emit good vibes. Engraved shape to bring out the flower of life in depth. Size of choice: 8, 10 cm or 14 cm Origin: Morocco
There are 39 products.
Metatron disc to place in selenite to recharge stones or emit good vibes. Engraved shape to bring out the flower of life in depth. Size of choice: 8, 10 cm or 14 cm Origin: Morocco
Life Tree Disk to place
Life flower disk to place in selenite to recharge stones or emit good vibes. Engraved shape to highlight the life flower in depth. Size to choose from: 8, 10 cm or 14 cm Origin: Morocco
Wooden disk with the symbol of the flower of life Ideal for recharging Each size is sold in sets of 5 pieces
Open wooden disc with the symbol of the flower of life Ideal for recharging Each size is sold in a set of 5 pieces
Celestial eye obsidian cabochon One domed face, various shapes Ideal for drilling or setting in a pendant or ring Origin: Mexico
Moroccan Mokaite Jasper Plaque
Lifeflower in golden obsidian to pose
High quality Palo Santo stick
Open wooden disc with the symbol of the flower of life Ideal for recharging Each size is sold in a set of 5 pieces
Selenite - Engraved heart, angel wings disc to place. Origin: Morocco Size: 11.5 cm
Crystal Energy Wand and 7 Chakras
Selenite - Engraved zodiac disc to place. Origin: Morocco Size 8 cm
Selenite - Engraved 7 chakras disc to be placed. Origin: Morocco Size 8 cm
Carved wooden Metatron disc - Ideal for recharging Set of 5 pieces
Carved wooden disc flower of life for recharging Set of 5 pieces