Mexico - Saint-Malo. On this line between two continents, the first lines of the story of Fournisseur de Pierres, your wholesale mineral supplier, were written.
At the end of the 2000s, the Frenchman Sylvain Pean stayed in Mexico. There he discovered the enchanting beauty of a stone considered sacred in the local culture: obsidian. The traveler also met Paulina Méndez, his future wife. From this encounter was born an ambitious project. Together, they decided to start exporting obsidian to France.
After touring the various mines of the country and working with many Mexican artisans, Sylvain and Paulina created their own workshop for making obsidian objects. The success was immediate. The creations sold in their French clients' shops immediately captivated lovers of semi-precious stones and all those aware of the beneficial influence of minerals on the human body and mind.

In 2016, the couple moved to Saint-Malo, in Sylvain's native Brittany. The company Fournisseur de Pierres then gradually moved to a higher level of its development, diversifying its offer and positioning itself on the European market.

From Latin America
to the Far East

The trips follow one another and contacts are made all over the world. Small workshops in South America (Brazil, Peru), Asia (India, Thailand, Hong Kong), Africa (Morocco, Madagascar) and Eastern Europe (Lithuania) become privileged partners for the supply of raw, cut or jewelry-mounted stones. Fussy about quality, Paulina and Sylvain Pean also make it a point of honor to collaborate with ethically responsible companies that respect their workers.
Today, more than 3,000 references are available in the large warehouse that was built in Saint-Malo in 2019. Obsidian remains a flagship product of Fournisseur de Pierres. It stands alongside a wide range of fine stones such as amethyst, rock crystal, carnelian, rose quartz, tourmaline, tiger's eye or labradorite, available in various forms. Since it is impossible to list all of them here, the best thing is to explore our website to get a sense of the richness of our catalog.

Of course, you can also visit us at our premises, where our team of mineral experts will be on hand to advise you. If you live far away and don't have the opportunity to come, we will be happy to meet you with a representative selection of our stock during one of our upcoming tours in France. All you need to do is register on our list.